Bible Studies for Life: April 4
The Resurrection of Jesus • John 20:3-9, 19-23, 27-29
By Don Schuman
What happens when the destructive nature of death is met with the omnipotent nature of God? Resurrection! Our lesson today captures God’s victory over sin and death. Those grave clothes, no matter how many layers were wound and stuck together with the spice mixture, could not hold Jesus in the tomb. That stone, no matter how heavy and imposing, could not seal Jesus in the tomb. Death could not hold Jesus in the tomb! Satan could not hold Jesus in the tomb! No power in the air, on earth, or under the earth could hold Jesus in that tomb! He arose the Victor! He arose the Conqueror! He arose triumphant over all the forces of sin and death!
Responses to the Resurrection (20:3-9). They also saw the napkin that had been bound around His face was folded and set aside. What does the sign of the napkin say? First, it says that Jesus was physically resurrected, able to handle the napkin, and folded it. He was not some kind of ghost. Even though His physical body could pass through the linen, He could also handle the napkin.
Secondly, it shows that the Lord had been resurrected in the tomb in a calm manner. Our Lord didn’t panic when He arose in that cold, dark tomb. All things were in His control and He demonstrated that by His careful and deliberate folding of the face napkin. Another sign of a physically resurrected Lord!
The empty tomb prompted two responses. John’s response was to see the evidence and believe. Peter’s response was different from John’s. We have a little more insight in Luke 24:12 – “Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulcher; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass.” Peter went away wondering; John went away believing. How is it with you? Do you wonder, or do you believe?
Their responses were without an understanding of the Scripture (John 3:9). Later, they and the Apostle Paul would understand the Scripture about Jesus’ Resurrection and preach it (compare Acts 2:29-32 with Acts 13:31-37). The Resurrection of Messiah was prophesied in Scripture. Concerning His first coming, Jesus fulfilled Scripture utterly, completely, and forevermore!
Blessing of the Resurrection (20:19-23). The resurrected Lord Jesus appeared to His disciples. The Jewish authorities may not have known where the disciples were hiding, but Jesus knew and appeared among them. His presence was the first blessing to them that evening. Another blessing was peace. Jesus brought peace to His confused and frightened disciples. Knowing Jesus is alive today gives His followers peace in times of confusion and adversity. The church is not a museum that displays relics; she is a body that displays a living, resurrected Christ.
A third blessing was joy. Immediately, fear turned to joy! Jesus was alive and in a physical, yet glorified, body that still showed the scars on His hands, feet, and side. They rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Seeing Jesus as the living Lord produces joy in the believer’s heart.
A fourth blessing was the promise of the Holy Spirit. Not only did the resurrection of Jesus produce the fruit of the Spirit (peace and joy), His resurrection and ascension brought the presence of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers.
A fifth blessing was power and authority in the name of Jesus. The church of Jesus Christ has power that the gates of hell cannot withstand. Such is the victory in Jesus.
The Right Response to the Resurrection (20:27-29). The right response is to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and the divine Son of God. I love the beatitude of verse 29, “…Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” Believers today have yet to see the risen Savior in His glory, yet we believe.
Jesus also has power over death. When He returns to raise us up, He will overcome any and every obstacle to our resurrection! It doesn’t matter how deep the vault, how deep the ocean grave, how dusty we’ve become, when Jesus returns to raise His Church to life everlasting, we’re coming up to meet Him and we will be changed into a body everlasting in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, to be like Him and to be with Him!
Schuman is pastor of Temple Church, Myrtle.