Bible Studies for Life: January 19
Treasuring Who God Treasures • Exodus 1:16-17, 22-2:10
By Sydney Charlton

God’s creativity is seen through humanity! When God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness,” His imaginative design for mankind was displayed (Genesis 1:26, ESV). Various hues of melanin, distinct eye colors, and different statures reveal God’s creative nature. As my young daughters say, “If we all looked alike, the world would be boring! It’s neat that we all look different but that we all look like God!”
Social standards have caused many to think that everyone should look a certain way and have specific talents. If someone doesn’t check the appropriate boxes, we are told that it is reasonable to disassociate with them. This is far from the Gospel message of Jesus Christ! Since every person has been created in the image of God, everyone is valuable.
Knowing and loving God causes us to treasure what matters to Him. God has made redemption possible through Jesus Christ because of His great love for people, including people who are different than us, and people who are difficult to love. Mankind’s value isn’t found in our abilities or our appearance. We are valuable because holy God has created us in His image, using His creativity, for His glory!
Exodus 1:16-17
Though the king of Egypt gave strict orders for the midwives to kill every newborn Hebrew boy, God used their fear of Him to protect life. When we rightly treasure God and revere Him, we care about what He cares about. Because of God-fearing midwives, many Hebrew boys’ lives were spared at birth. They chose to remain faithful to God instead of obeying a heinous decree.
People are God’s most prized creation. He has created mankind to long for eternity with Him (Ecclesiastes 3:11, ESV). Because of His deep love for us, He made redemption possible through Jesus Christ. His love for us should compel us to love others well.
People aren’t valued based on their abilities or their age. People are valuable because they are image-bearers of God, made on purpose by Him.
Exodus 1:22-2:3
From the beginning of Moses’ life, God had a special call for him. His life was spared at birth and again when the king commanded that the Hebrew boys all be cast into the Nile River. Moses’ mother determined a plan and rejected the Egyptian edict because she valued life.
Moses was hidden for three months. That’s an impressive feat! No one questioned the cries or noticed her nursing the baby. Maybe she even told people that the baby was female, and no one thought of questioning it. Regardless, God spared Moses from death as an infant, and He did so because of the purpose and plans He had in store.
As followers of Christ, we must be intentional about valuing life. We are called to reject social standards that don’t honor the Lord, knowing that God will take care of us as we seek to care for and protect vulnerable individuals.
Exodus 2:4-10
Moses’ life directs our attention to the provision and care required when we rightly value life. Moses’ mother made great provisions to ensure the basket could withstand the water she would sit him in. She explained the details to her daughter about why this plan was in place, and probably had to rehearse how she would offer to introduce the Pharaoh’s daughter to a wet nurse for Moses.
As Moses’ mother wrapped him tightly and put him in the basket, she must have been overcome with emotion. She could only hope that this intricate plan would work. She must have questioned, “What if Pharaoh’s daughter doesn’t come today? What if the water’s current causes the basket to drift too quickly?”
Moses was situated in the reeds, waiting to be rescued. Then, the plan unfolded. All his mother hoped would occur was set into motion. The daughter spoke up and explained that she knew someone who could help care for the child. Only God Himself could let it be! The very mother commanded to kill her son would be able to care for him with no fear for his life.
Moses’ mother and sister were instrumental in sparing Moses from death. His mother valued his life more than her desire to raise him and solely care for him. What a great example of the tender mercy of God we witness on display through foster care and adoption! Honoring the lives of others at every age and stage glorifies the Lord. His plans for Kingdom advancement include using people that society may cast aside. This is good news for us all!
Charlton is the OneHope Missions Assistant at Crossgates Baptist Church, Brandon.