Bible Studies for Life: November 22

Committed to His Worship • Psalm 99:1-9

By Becky Brown


In our series of lessons on commitment, we have seen that God the Father is totally committed to us. God the Son gave His all for us. God the Holy Spirit resides fully and completely in all who place their faith and trust in Jesus. Our response to this merciful, grace-filled extension of God toward His creation should give evidence that we are fully committed to Him as well. Those who are “all in” are committed to Christ, to His Word, to His Church, to prayer. This lesson will include the commitment to worship.

Stop reading. Look at the entrance door to the room you presently occupy. What if that door opened right now and Jesus walked in? What would be your immediate response? What would you do? What would you say? I have thought about this scenario many, many times. I would immediately hit the floor — knees and face first — and simply begin to weep. If I could manage to speak at all, I think I would say, “Thank You, Jesus! I’m SO sorry you had to die for my sins!”

One day, believers will see Jesus face to face. Worship would certainly be the appropriate response at that moment. Worship should be our response to Him in all moments. Why should we not endeavor to worship Him now? Committed people will worship God.

Our Bible passage comes from the 99th Psalm, one of six Psalms designated as the “Enthronement Psalms.” Psalm 47, 93, 96, 97, 98, and 99 were possibly used during the annual Jewish worship festivals held in Jerusalem. To “enthrone” means to crown someone as king.

There is only One True King. He alone is to be worshipped and offered praise. He reigns. His throne is higher than all of His creation. He is great. He is exalted. His Name is awesome. He is strong. He loves justice. He established equity in all matters. He executed/accomplished justice and righteousness among the tribes of Israel. He heard those who called on His Name. He spoke to them and answered them! He forgave them! Meanwhile, He was totally mindful of their evil deeds and avenged those deeds. Our God of justice is full of righteous wrath as well as tender mercy.

Psalm 99 divides itself into three sections, each of which end with the declaration of the holiness of God. The responses of individuals to His holiness are also expressed in Psalm 99. The peoples (of the earth) tremble before Him. The earth shakes at His power and majesty. They respond with praise to His great Name. They are commanded to exalt the Lord and worship at His footstool, and to praise Him at His “foot-resting place.”

Feet can be used to display our entire relationship with the Lord. When we BOW at His feet, we show deep reverence for Him. When we SIT at His feet, we learn as His disciples, placing ourselves voluntarily under His teaching ministry. When we WASH His feet, we pledge to be His servants. When we are sent to WALK away from Him, we exercise our apostleship as we deliver the Gospel to others. When we FALL at His feet, we worship Him. One day, He will place His foot on the necks of His enemies to prove His victory over them!

In the final section of Psalm 99, the writer speaks of Moses, Aaron, and Samuel. Moses and Aaron were the first appointed priests from the tribe of Levi. They followed the cloud by day and the fire by night and led the people of God through the wilderness after the Exodus from Egypt. Samuel was the spokesman for the Lord in the time of Saul and David, kings of Israel. All three of these had amazing relationships with the Lord. They called on Him and He answered their petitions. These were three great names who were familiar and memorable to the readers of this Psalm, but no name stands as tall as the name of the Lord Who called them all into His service.

In 2 Samuel 6:2, the Lord is described as the Lord of hosts who is enthroned above the cherubim.

King Hezekiah calls Him by the same name in 2 Kings 19:15. In Psalm 22:3, He is enthroned upon the praises of Israel. In Psalm 123:1, He is enthroned in the heavens.

Worship God!

Brown is staff evangelist at First Church, Richland.