BSU Summer Missions: Utterly relying on the Holy Spirit in Washington

Editor’s Note: This summer, 120 Mississippi Baptist Student Union (BSU) students served in 20 countries, 14 states, and two U.S. territories. This is the third in a series of articles illustrating that what the summer missionaries had comprehended on paper, they now experienced for themselves: the power of the Gospel. 

By Lindsey Williams
Writing Specialist

At Meadowbrook Church in Redmond, Washington, Jason Gaston worked as a youth summer intern, “which looked like late nights, early mornings, lots of driving, lots of fun, and lots of great conversations.”

Gaston is a student at William Carey University (WCU) whose BSU mission was to connect with the teenagers and children at Meadowbrook Church, in order to challenge them through thought-provoking questions and to learn who they are as individuals made and loved by God. Through hanging out, watching movies, playing kickball, and even bleaching his hair, Gaston befriended the kids and sought to show them the Way.

“I am hopeful and prayerful that through this all,” said Gaston, “the Lord uses me to speak into their lives and show these students what it truly means to love God with all your heart and live for His eternal glory.”

(Photo credit: Jason Gaston)

Worship pastor at Meadowbrook Church, Jerry Chambers, commended Gaston’s active spirit. “His heart for the Lord and for our students is quite obvious, and he has shown great maturity, especially at 19,” said Chambers. “Because our two youth leaders have worked with BSU interns in the past, they hit the ground running with Jason as soon as he got here — with D-Now, VBS prep, and a whole lot more. Jason connected so well with our guy students, including our pastor’s son, which has been a huge blessing.”

Gaston confessed that he could not have completed the mission if it were not for God’s help. “The most significant lesson God has taught me is to utterly rely on the Holy Spirit,” said Gaston. “I am very much a doer. Give me a task, and I will get it done and strive for perfection. One of the biggest ways God has humbled me this summer is to remind me that I am not perfect… and I am undoubtedly incapable. This summer has been extremely taxing, lonely, and challenging. There have been times when I felt like no one was standing with me, like I was not making a difference, and like I would never be able to survive. The first two and a half weeks were tough for me, but God graciously kept His hand on me. He has let me know time and time again that He is there, He cares, and He is using me. Every morning, when I start my day in communion with Him, I am reminded of His grace, mercy, and power, and that has been all that I need.

“Many excellent illustrations and powerful moments have come out of my experience in Washington. One that I have continued to set my mind on recently, however, occurred on July Fourth. As I watched the fireworks with a youth group leader and some friends, one of our students Facetimed her. The student had been on a trip for the last week and a half, and I had not particularly become acquainted with the student yet. Nevertheless, the three of us talked and goofed off, and then, for whatever reason, I thought it would be a good idea to ask the student, ‘What has been the most difficult part of your trip so far?’ At that moment, the student stopped and thought for a second. Then, she started crying and told us how hard her week had been. I genuinely believe that single question was prompted by the Holy Spirit. I would have never killed the moment with a suddenly uncomfortable and serious conversation! I could never penetrate a heart like that, yet I saw a small example of how God is sovereign and faithful, and He moves in His own way and in His own time. I am just along for the ride.

“There are so many reasons why a student should go on summer missions. The best thing you can do with your life is allow God to use you. BSU Summer Missions is a fantastic opportunity for that. You will assuredly be challenged and grow in your understanding of who God is and what His work looks like in unique contexts. It is also a great catalyst for your heart as it grows in zeal and commitment to the call of the Great Commission. Other than all of that, you get to travel and perhaps see some of the most beautiful places on earth and meet some of the most amazing people.”

Pray for the teenagers and children who heard the Gospel at Meadowbrook Church this summer, that they will surrender their lives to the God who made and loves them. Pray for the student who shared her difficulties to Gaston and her youth group leader, that she will find joy and peace in Christ.