Church Safety for Minors Workshop
The Church Safety for Minors Workshop is a comprehensive training that describes an effective safety system protecting children and youth from sexual abuse in the church and other ministry environments.
For more information: Click Here
Topics include:
Common misconceptions about abuse
Abuser characteristics
Description of the grooming process
Peer-to-peer sexual abuse
Reporting responsibilities
Greg Love of Ministry Safe is the speaker.
Times to Know:
Registration 8:30
Seminar 9:00-2:30 (working lunch provided)
All Locations and Dates:
March 28 – Fairview Baptist Church (Columbus)
March 29 – FBC Nesbit (Hernando)
September 12 – Agricola Baptist Church (Lucedale)
September 13 – Macedonia Baptist Church (Brookhaven)
For questions, please contact Angie Boydstun ( / 601-292-3294)