Dixie National Ministry saddles up for early February ride

By Lindsey Williams
Writing Specialist

At the 2023 Dixie National, Mississippi Baptists shared the Gospel with 329 visitors, 21 of whom made decisions for Christ on the midway. This year, the gates are wide open again to reach Mississippi, the United States, and ultimately, the world with the Gospel.

Since 2016, the Evangelism Department of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board has set up a tent in the midway every year of the Dixie National Livestock Show, where guests can stop by and hear a brief Gospel presentation.

“Not only will we see people come to Christ,” said Don Lum, Director of Evangelism, “but we’ll have an opportunity to encourage and pray for folks. Even over the last couple of years, people who have come to the Dixie National know that we’re there and have begun to bring their children and grandchildren for us to share with them.”

“We continue to remind Mississippi Baptists that together, we’re making a difference across this world. It starts at home in our communities and where we are here at the fairgrounds. From there, we stretch out across the world to share Christ. The Dixie National is just one of our avenues to be able to do that,” Lum stated.

“Last year, 26 states were represented in the open show where people bring their animals. The opportunity is there for us to really share Christ when we go where the people are. God has blessed this ministry as Mississippi Baptists through the years: blessed our efforts, blessed our obedience, and blessed our willingness to step out, share Christ, and make a difference. It’s been neat to see God do that.”

Guests listen to a Gospel presentation in the Evangelism tent. (Photo Credit: Don Lum).

“I’m grateful to the numerous pastors and churches who see this as an opportunity to not only help their people learn how to share Christ but give them the avenue to be able to step up there and really utilize their skills. We use the Dixie National as a laboratory experience for them, and they come with an attitude of service. They look forward to being there.”

“We have never had anybody come that didn’t feel qualified after they left. We are hands-on with training, and we make it easy because, first of all, the folks at the Dixie National are very nice. Second of all, I can get with volunteers and show them how to present the Gospel, or they can come early and we can show them how to do it at the fairgrounds. Also, we’ve got workers there who will be able to step in and help someone and give them the assurance that they need as they share Christ.”

If you are interested in joining the Dixie National ministry as an individual or as a group, contact Linda Burris, the Evangelism Ministry Assistant, at 601-292-3278 or lburris@mbcb.org.

The schedule, as shown below, consists of two-hour segments, but you are more than welcome to stay and participate as long as you want:

Friday, Feb. 2: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 3: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 5: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 9: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 10: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (This is parade day)