Explore the Bible: March 2
Our Inheritance • 1 Peter 1:3-12
By Arthur Story

As followers of Christ we live lives that are different from those around us. We live lives of power and victory not weakness and defeat. We live lives that are not subject to the pitfalls of those without Christ. We live lives that have the potential to point others to Christ as we live faithfully for Him. But, how can we live that kind of life; The kind of life that brings glory to Christ and points others to Him? Our text for this week, 1 Peter 1:3-12, reveals three aspects of faithful living that bring glory to Christ and help us lead others to Him.
The first aspect of a faithful life that brings glory to Christ and points others to Him is praise. As recipients of God’s gift of salvation through Christ, our lives should be filled with praise. There is so much praise we can offer to God, but our text highlights three specific areas of praise. We praise God for His mercy. The mercy He extends to us because of our condition of being separated from Him (Ephesians 2:1-5, Titus 3:5). We also praise Him because of the inheritance He has provided for us through Christ. Unlike an earthly inheritance, our promised inheritance won’t wear out, is pure, and lasts for eternity. In addition, we praise Him that we are protected for salvation (Romans 8:31-39, John 10:27-30). While many things can and do happen to us in this life, nothing can separate us from the salvation we receive through Christ Jesus.
The second aspect of a faithful life that brings glory to Christ and points others to Him is persevering faith. As His followers, our faith is powerful and sustains us through trials. It is this faith that helps us to see the brevity of this life’s struggles and also their benefit (2 Corinthians 4:17, Romans 8:18). A number of years ago I was reading about Fanny Crosby, who was blind and wrote over 8000 hymns. In her autobiography she shared that she had no ill will toward the doctor whose treatment led to her blindness at a very young age. Instead, she said she was thankful for it because she was able to live a life unhindered by the distraction of sight that would have taken her away from her work in writing hymns. This is an example of persevering faith. Fanny Crosby’s faith led her to see beyond this temporal world. She recognized her time here was brief compared to eternity and she was able to see the benefit her blindness brought to fulfilling her purpose in glorifying Christ. Persevering faith results in salvation and enables us to grow, thrive, and praise God in trials (Romans 8:28-39).
The third aspect of a faithful life that brings glory to Christ and points others to Him is the preaching of the Promised Messiah, Christ Jesus. The Old Testament prophets proclaimed the truth of the Messiah that would come to save His people (Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 53). They searched the Scriptures to know of Him, the events surrounding His coming, and ultimately His identity, so that those who followed them would know and believe in Him. The first disciples followed Jesus, were taught by Him, and proclaimed Him so that people would believe in Him and receive forgiveness through Him. Those of us who reap the benefits of the foundations laid by the prophets and Jesus’ disciples that have preceded us are blessed to know Him, follow Him, and tell others about Him. We bring glory to Jesus as we proclaim Him to the lost and make disciples (Romans 10:9-15, Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:18-20).
As followers of Christ, we are truly blessed to live lives that are different from those without Him. As a result, we should be vocal in our praise of what He has done for all of humanity and for what He has done for us personally. In addition, we should live faith-filled lives that are not overwhelmed by the trials we face. Lastly, we should boldly proclaim Jesus to people who do not know Him and who desperately need the salvation and forgiveness only He can provide. As you go about life this week, remember that you bring glory to Jesus as you praise Him, as you faithfully persevere in trials, and as you proclaim salvation in Jesus alone.
Story is a member of First Ridgeland Church, Ridgeland.