Bible Studies for Life: September 1

Purpose Questioned  • Ecclesiastes 1:1-14

By Bobby McKay


There are times in each believer’s life when they find themself at a crossroads. These times of contemplation may be regarding a matter of faith or beliefs. Seasons of loss or grief can spur reflective moments in our lives. Stress or anxiety can cause us all to ponder many choices or our future. I can vividly recall the two major crossroads in my life. One was in 1998, and the other was in 2022. Both were periods of significant testing in my life and struggles of a personal kind. It boiled down to obedience and commitment. I am not prone to paint a rosy picture of my life or pretend I have not fallen short repeatedly, but I can assure you that the transformative power of faith, when embraced, will always be the best choice!

So many wander without the hope or joy we, as Christians, claim to possess. For many, what they lack is a defined purpose. As we learn to submit to the Father and pursue His holiness, we will discover purpose and the direction we need to take at the crossroads of life.

Ecclesiastes 1:1-7

Get up, go to work, come home, eat a bite, do some chores, pay some bills, go to bed. Then, repeat these actions every day for the rest of your life. This is how the author of Ecclesiastes viewed life. He saw everything as redundant and meaningless. There was no point or progress like a hamster running on a wheel. The same applies to any job, profession, or ministry you serve. It is easy to get into a rut or mindless routine that we can forget there is a bigger purpose in our doing and being. However, in the times or days we view as ordinary, God does amazing things. We are surrounded by miracles each day. Do you take the time to pay attention and notice?

Ecclesiastes 1:8-10

Remember the story of Pollyanna? She saw the good in each situation, brought out the best in others, and changed the culture of the people around her, her church, and even the town where she resided. While it may be a fictional story, it still resonates as a story of what can happen when we encourage others and have a positive outlook. Yes, it isn’t easy, given the state our world is in, but we should be the great purveyors of hope to those around us. There may be “nothing new under the sun,” but it reminds us that life is not meaningless with God. We can have lasting satisfaction beyond what this world can provide with God. 

Ecclesiastes 1:11-14

Life can be difficult as it is, but without a growing relationship with Christ, it is miserable and futile. Without purpose, everything we do is regarded as a task, not a ministry. Do you see your service to your local church as something you must do or honored to do? Is your approach that of a burdened person or a blessed one? Step back and consider your responsibilities for a moment. What areas are you not seeking God’s direction or guidance in? Those may very well be the ones where you are finding frustration. Are you at the crossroads currently? Go with God. 

McKay is pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church, Morton.