IN THE MARGINS: I am responsible
By Tony Martin
In our ever-evolving world, it’s become increasingly easy to point fingers. From blaming socialists, republicans, democrats, the economy, the government, to the Illuminati and even aliens, we’ve developed a knack for shifting responsibility elsewhere. But today, let’s take a moment to bring the focus back to a fundamental truth: the power of personal responsibility.
We often forget the necessity of looking in the mirror and saying with conviction, “I am responsible.” It sounds so simple, yet it’s profoundly impactful. This isn’t about finding fault within ourselves but acknowledging that the choices we make significantly shape our lives. Whether in triumphs or trials, our decisions play a pivotal role.
Imagine the last time you found yourself in a tough spot. It’s easy to scan the horizon for someone or something to blame. But what if, instead, you asked yourself, “How much of this is my fault?” If we’re honest, a lot of our challenges stem from the repercussions of our choices. I’m not just preaching to you; I’m speaking to myself here, too. Uncle Tony always says, “Make good choices.” Sometimes we do, and sometimes we don’t.
The concept of sowing and reaping is an inviolate, God-ordained law of the universe. It’s a principle that resonates across cultures and faiths, reflecting the undeniable truth that our actions lead to consequences. This law is clearly articulated in Scripture, too. Galatians 6:7 warns us, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” This verse isn’t just about warning us; it’s about reminding us of the inherent justice and order God has woven into the fabric of life.
There are times when our choices, made with the best intentions based on what seems right, lead to unexpected outcomes. It’s crucial then to own these consequences, too. This is how God set things up, keeping the Big Picture in mind. It was a sobering realization for me when I understood that I could be completely faithful and obedient to God, act with utmost clarity, and still fail miserably. Why? Because sometimes, our failures serve a greater purpose.
It might sound counterintuitive, but consider this: if our failures and the subsequent consequences mold us more into His likeness, then perhaps it’s part of His divine plan for us to fail in that moment. This is a tough pill to swallow, a hard truth we often shy away from discussing. But embracing this can be transformative.
Here’s the thing about taking responsibility — it doesn’t mean you won’t need help, and it doesn’t mean you’re at fault for every adverse situation. Instead, it’s about recognizing your role in the narrative of your life and understanding that your choices, good or bad, set the stage for your future.
Let’s repeat it together: “I AM RESPONSIBLE.”
Owning up to this doesn’t just change how we view our personal circumstances; it alters how we interact with the world. It cultivates a sense of integrity and accountability, qualities that are sorely needed today. In a culture that often promotes passing the buck, choosing to stand firm and accept our part in the story is revolutionary.
I encourage you to consider the areas in your life where you’ve perhaps shirked responsibility. Reflect on the decisions that led you to where you are. And in moving forward, think about how you can make choices that align more closely with the kind of life you wish to lead and the character you aspire to build. Sometimes, the best choice is simply deciding to take responsibility seriously.
As we ponder these thoughts, let’s strive to make choices that not only benefit ourselves but also those around us. In doing so, we reflect the love and wisdom that God instills in us, paving the way for a life filled with growth, understanding, and grace.