Mississippi Baptist Convention Board Executive Committee meeting update

In the February 1 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board (MBCB), several items of note were discussed and acted upon:

  • The former Men’s Ministry Department has had responsibilities divided among other existing departments:

    • Discipleship/Sunday School – Men’s Discipleship/Ministry; Central Hills
    • Evangelism – Chaplaincy; Criminal Justice; Fishers of Men
    • Women’s Ministry/WMU – Royal Ambassadors; Challengers
    • Disaster Relief – Suit Project
    • Missions Mobilization – Agricultural Missions

  • A new position, Adult Ministries Consultant, will be added in Discipleship to balance some of the Adult Sunday School and Discipleship responsibilities. 
  • The Executive Committee authorized Dr. Shawn Parker to execute any and all documents necessary to remove the MBCB reversionary interest in the parsonage property located in Como, formerly owned by Como Churchy, to Longview Point Church in Hernando. 
  • Jon Martin and Barri Shirley recommended that the Executive Committee of the MBCB authorize up to $50,000 from the Board’s Operating Fund, designated for the 100th Year Celebration of the Cooperative Program. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Barri Shirley updated the group on the camp construction project. Preparatory work is underway at Garaywa Camp and Conference Center, and construction began at Central Hills Feb . 19.
  • Several groups have expressed interest in the Henderson Point property.