Mississippi Worship and Media Conference slated for July 25

Thursday, July 25, the Worship Ministries Department and Communication Services Department  of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board (MBCB) will co-sponsor the Mississippi Worship and Media Conference at First Church, Fannin.  

This one day event focuses on equipping worship and media leaders of all ages.  

“I look forward to any time that Mississippi Baptist worship leaders can gather to sharpen their skills and be encouraged,” said Kris Smith, MBCB Worship Ministries Director. “The fellowship among the leaders across our state is always refreshing.”

In 2022, the annual conference added training opportunities for media production given the demands for understanding elements of media within worship.

“The increased need for media within worship services has steadily brought together these two areas of ministry, and we are excited to facilitate an event to inspire, encourage, and grow together,” said Tanner Cade, MBCB Communication Services Director.

This one-day conference will include general sessions, breakouts, meals, and conclude with a worship service led by the First Church, Fannin, worship team and Dr. Shawn Parker, MBCB Executive Director-Treasurer.  

Terry Williams, Music / Worship Consultant at the Florida Baptist Convention, will be the keynote speaker and will lead a breakout session as well.  

“Terry Williams is a passionate and gifted worship leader, coach, and consultant,” described Smith. “Bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with us at MWMC, Terry will challenge each of us to lead our churches to proclaim the Gospel through a lifestyle of biblical worship. I have sat under Terry’s teaching many times, and each time I leave with a renewed spirit and encouraged heart.”

You can register for the event by clicking here. For any questions, contact Cathy Taylor at cwtaylor@mbcb.org. 

Conference Schedule:

9-10 a.m. Registration

10:00 General Session #1

11:00 Break Out Session #1

12:00 p.m. Lunch (at First Church, Fannin)

1:30 General Session #2

2:30 Exhibits/Snack

3:00 Q&A Panel Discussion

4:00 Break Out Session #2

5:30 Supper (at FBC Fannin)

7:00 Worship Concert – First Church, Fannin, Worship Team; Dr. Shawn Parker