Oklahoma’s Dilbeck tapped to replace retiring O.S. Hawkins at Guidestone


DALLAS (BP) — D. Hance Dilbeck Jr., executive director-treasurer of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, was unanimously chosen May 20 as president-elect of Southern Baptists’ GuideStone Financial Resources during a called meeting of trustees.

He will begin work July 1, alongside retiring GuideStone President O.S. Hawkins. After a transition period ending in the first quarter of 2022, Dilbeck will assume the titles of president and CEO. Hawkins will become president emeritus.

According to the Guidestone website, the entity has provided retirement solutions, insurance coverage, and investment products and services to churches, ministries, organizations, and institutions as well as ministry-minded individuals for more than 100 years..

Steve Dighton, retired pastor of Lenexa Church in Lenexa, Kan., and chair of the presidential search committee, said the committee bathed the process in prayer to seek the Lord’s candidate in this process. He said 15 candidates were recommended.


Dilbeck has served Oklahoma churches for more than 30 years. He was pastor at Quail Springs Church, Oklahoma City, for 15 years before being called in 2018 to lead Oklahoma Baptists. The church tripled in size and took part in planting 32 churches during his tenure.

He has also been an active participant in denominational life, having served through the years as chairman of the board of trustees at Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee; on the trustee boards of Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth and the International Mission Board in Richmond, Va.; and second vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Born in Pawhuska, Okla., Dilbeck earned his undergraduate degree in religion from Oklahoma Baptist University, and master of divinity (1992) and doctor of ministry (2002) degrees from Southwestern Seminary.

Dilbeck’s wife Julie has served as a GuideStone trustee since 2019. She resigned her post at the called meeting and did not vote in the selection process.

“Julie and I have a clear sense of the Lord’s calling to GuideStone,” Dilbeck said. “We are grateful for how the search committee and their prayerful process helped confirm this calling. Dr. Hawkins has been a faithful steward and transformational leader for almost 25 years. He has assembled a world-class team.

“I am asking our Father for grace to be faithful with this stewardship and effective with the platform, serving those who serve the Lord.”

The Dilbecks have three married sons and eight grandchildren.


GuideStone Trustee Chair Renée A. Trewick, a member of Bronx Church in New York City and ex-officio member of the search committee, said, “The committee sought to find the Lord’s candidate exclusively through the referrals of Southern Baptists, asked the Lord for His wisdom and guidance, and agreed that any vote of the committee must be unanimous. This was a thorough, God-honoring process that ensured every voice was heard.”

Trewick is vice president for financial planning and analysis at Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., in Yonkers, New York.