Summer Music and Arts Camp for Kids celebrates Christmas in July

By Tanner Cade
Communication Services Director

Over one hundred students in third through sixth grades are participating in Summer Music and Arts Camp for Kids (SMACK) at William Carey University this week.  

This annual summer camp is a worship leadership and discipleship camp for children. Campers participate in kid-friendly worship and Bible study, music games and activities, recreation and nightly fellowships as well as daily musical rehearsals in preparation for a worship concert at the end of the week. 

Musical Director, Darlene Abbott, leads a morning rehearsal session in preparation for the Friday evening concert. (Photo credit: Tanner Cade)

This year the theme for the week focuses on the birth of Jesus titled: “Good News! Great Joy! All People!” Through each activity of camp, students learn more about this good news of great joy as they work to rehearse for the Friday evening concert.  

“Our musical we’ve chosen is Uncertain Poor Shepherds by Dave Clark, and they’re telling the story of Christmas from the shepherds’ perspective through their musicals,” shares Hope Smith, event coordinator and camp director. “We are incorporating that into our team time and our Bible studies and worship late night events.”

The SMACK choir has the honor of premiering the musical by Dave Clark. The musical is available online, but Smith notes this is the first time it will be performed. 

Darlene Abbott is the guest musical director for the week and is helping prepare the campers for the Friday evening concert. 

“I want kids to fall in love with God’s word and who he is,” said Abbott.  “Sometimes that gets one kid through singing, it gets another kid through motions. It gets another kid through a race. Whatever I can do to help them fall in love with the Lord, that’s what I want to do.”

The 114 campers have the opportunity to join together in large choir for the first time, which makes for a unique opportunity for the students.  

“One of the cool things about when this choir comes together is some of them come from church backgrounds where they don’t have an opportunity to sing in a choir this large,” said Smith. “Bringing the churches together gives these kids opportunities and experiences they might not have outside of what they’re getting here at camp.”

A Summer Music and Arts Camp for Kids camper learns how to play the guitar during an afternoon worship arts session. (Photo credit: Tanner Cade)

Along with the combined rehearsal sessions, campers also have the opportunity to learn a worship art that fits their interests. Each afternoon they spend time practicing their worship art to premiere in the Friday evening concert. 

“They are learning a skill that could be used in worship, whether it’s puppets or black lights or guitars or keyboarding or graphic design,” says Smith. “What they are working on in those classes will ultimately be used in Friday night’s worship presentation. But more than that, we hope they’ll take those skills back to their churches and see that they can use those gifts and skills to serve their local church.” 

The Friday evening worship (July 12) will take place in the Thomas Auditorium at William Carey University at 7:00 p.m. The concert is free to anyone wanting to see the next generation of worship leaders.  

Kris Smith, Worship Ministries director at the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, is very appreciative of William Carey for hosting SMACK again this summer. 

“We are grateful to Dr. Wes Dykes in the Winter School of Music and Dr. Valerie Bridgeforth, VP of student affairs, for opening up their campus to us. They have been great hosts!”

SMACK annual worship ministries camp is provided by your giving to the Cooperative Program. 

Friday, July 12, the service will be streamed at 7:00 p.m. on the Mississippi Baptist YouTube channel: