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Bible Studies for Life: March 7

The Nature of GodJohn 14:8-11,16-20,23-26

By Don Schuman


This passage in the Book of John shows the nature of God, the same nature that is in each of the three persons of God: the Father, Christ Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These elements of God’s nature enable believers to know Him personally.

Jesus Displays His Divine Nature to Us (14:8-11).

Jesus displays His divine nature in His words. Never had anyone spoken like Jesus (John 7:46). His teaching in parables and the Sermon on the Mount present concepts of the kingdom of heaven to our earthly minds. His words evoke God’s power and authority over the natural and spiritual realms.

His words clearly proclaim that He is God (10:30-33, 36-38; 14:6-11). His words cast out demons, calmed the storm, healed the sick, and raised the dead. Jesus revealed the nature of God the Father through His words because He spoke only and all that the Father would have Him speak (14:10).

Jesus displays His divine nature in His works. Just as the words of Jesus are the words of the Father, so the works of Jesus are the works of the Father (14:10-11). His touch restored sight to the blind and healing to the leper. He took five barley loaves and two fish and fed a multitude of thousands with plenty left over.

Going to the cross of Calvary, enduring that pain and the shame to atone for our sins and dying the death we deserved, is the work of God. Rising from the dead on the third day is the work of God. Jesus fully and perfectly accomplished the work of God for our salvation. Nothing we can do can compare with what Christ has done for our salvation.

Followers of Christ know His voice (10:16, 27). His words and works testify of God the Father and that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of God (14:10-11, 10:37-38).

The Holy Spirit Displays His Divine Nature in Us (14:16-20).

The Holy Spirit displays His divine nature of truth. Three times in this discourse, Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the “Spirit of truth” (14:17, 15:26, 16:13). The Spirit guides us in truth. If you feel led to believe or to do something contrary to Scripture, the Holy Spirit is not leading you.

A true friend will not lead someone to sin and the Holy Spirit, our truth Friend, will not lead the believer to sin. The Holy Spirit is God and anything contrary to His nature is sin and an offense to Him! He will not lead the believer to offend Himself.

The Holy Spirit displays His divine nature of life. Faith in Christ produces life in the believer (John 3:16, 6:47). Conversely, the unbeliever does not have this life (1 John 5:12). Not only are we made alive in Christ but now the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of God, lives in us (Romans 8:9).

When a believer receives the Holy Spirit, he has a Friend for life — a Friend who gives life and a Friend who abides for this life and life hereafter. The Holy Spirit is our eternal Gift from the Father. Not only did the Father send the Son to save us, He sent the Holy Spirit to seal us forever (Eph. 1:13-14).

The Heavenly Father Displays His Divine Nature with Us (14:23-26).

The Heavenly Father displays His divine nature of love. God is love (1 John 4:8). Believers prove their love for Jesus by their obedience to His words. How we live is how we love, or our life for Him shows our love for Him.

The Heavenly Father displays His divine nature of fellowship. A distinguishing characteristic of God’s nature is fellowship. Notice in the deep spiritual insight of verse 23, “we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” (Emphasis mine.) All three persons of the Trinity abide in the believer by the Holy Spirit (14:16-17, 25-26). Evidence of God’s presence in the believer is God’s love manifested in that life (1 John 4:16).

By faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we can see and know the nature of God in His words, works, truth, life, love, and fellowship. Ephesians 3:19 (AV) says, “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.”

Filled with His fullness, followers of Christ show God’s nature in His words, works, truth, life, love, and fellowship.

Schuman is pastor of Temple Church, Myrtle.

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