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Bible Drill Selection Tournament Winners

The Bible Drill Selection Tournament was held at Colonial Heights Church, Jackson, April 30. Photos show winners, from left to right:

Middle School selection tournament

First Place: Autumn Cochran, Longview Church, XTM Association

Second Place: Abby Grace Lewis, McLaurin Heights Church, Rankin Association

Third Place: Chandler Leach, Star Church, Rankin Association

High School selection tournament

First Place: Lottie Ann Stokes, Lighthouse Mission, Washington Association

Second Place: Savannah Culpepper, Pocahontas Church, Metro Association

Third Place: Lillie Bradshaw, New Liberty Church, Scott Association

Nine Year scholarship winners

First Place: Brooks Dusenberry, Chinese Christian Church Greater Jackson, Metro Association

Second Place: Ashlynn Goss, Union Church, Pearl River Association

Third Place: Mia Lohmeier, Hillcrest Church, New Albany, Union Association

Fourth Place: James Anderson, First Church, Magnolia, Pike Association

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