Security in Place of Fear • Romans 8:28-39
By Becky Brown
In this unit of Bible study, we are learning to put fear in its proper place. In Joshua 1:9, after the death of Moses, God told Joshua to “be strong and courageous and do not tremble (shake with fear) or be dismayed (cast down and rendered helpless) for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
In 1 John 4:18, we read that perfect love casts out fear. God’s love is the one and only perfect love. When we abide in Him, we find the perfect peace in the midst of all fears.
Last week’s lesson focused on Psalm 33. Along with the unknown writer of that Psalm, we lifted praises to the Creator of all things and all people. We recognized His power and His majesty. We saw the other side of fear: awe and reverence and adoration and worship of such an amazing God.
We praised Him for Who He is and what He has done. Such a wonderful God calls forth a response from us! Our proper response is not an afraid fear, but a worship-filled fear.
Today’s lesson explores some of my all-time favorite verses from Romans chapter eight, to remind us that we can repel all fears as we rest in the security of our relationship to Christ.
I remember the commercial that promised that we are in good hands with Allstate Insurance. Trust me on this — Allstate ain’t got nuthin’ on the earthly and eternal security of being securely held by those nail-scarred hands of the Savior!
So many commentary books have attempted to interpret Romans 8:28. I always manage to bring my granny into explanations. She had a special corner on the cornfield Gospel word market. “Girls,” she would say, “all things, both good and bad, are being worked out by the Dear Lord for our good and His glory.”
She would always remind us that this goes for those who have chosen to love God and therefore have been called to follow according to His purpose.
The Gospel is for everyone. Whosoever will may come. Not everyone will embrace the Good News. Many have rejected it completely. God’s Plan A was Jesus at Calvary. There is no other plan!
Old Testament pictures pointed toward the cross. Those pre-Calvary folks believed by faith in the One who was yet to come. Post-Calvary New Testament believers are saved by that same faith in the One Who has come.
God knew before the beginning of time who would say yes and who would say no to Jesus. He charted His plan through those believers. He knew who would choose to follow. He’s God!
Romans 8:29-30 declares the pathway for the Romans 8:28 people. God foreknew who would follow. He predestined those followers to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus. To predestinate means to “set a boundary” in advance. The boundary was Jesus. He would be the only way to salvation.
Helping us to become like Jesus is the plan of God! These followers are called by God. Those who say “Yes!” to Jesus are then justified, being declared not guilty. They are righteous because they believe in the cleansing available through the shed blood of Jesus.
They are placed in a right standing before Holy God. He sees us clean through the sacrifice made in our place on the cross.
Believers in Jesus are also to be glorified. This is a future promise for the people of God. One day, we will be with Him and be found complete in Him. Look forward to that!
The Apostle Paul asks the question in Romans 8:31 — What shall we say then to all this? Our response should be NO FEAR! There is perfect security in Jesus. God is for us so it doesn’t matter who or what might seem to stand against us. We stand unaccused and unafraid! We are no longer condemned.
We can never be separated from the love of Christ. We are more than mere conquerors. We will not lose one battle. Paul starts the “I dare you to try” list in verse 35: tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword.
He continues it in verses 38-39: death, life, angels, principalities, things present, things to come, powers, height, depth, nor another created thing can separate us from the love of God. NO FEAR!
Brown is minister of missions at First Church, Richland.