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Singing Churchmen lead in worship across North Mississippi

By Tanner Cade
Communication Services Director

The Spring Tour of the Singing Churchmen headlined three worship services in two days across North Mississippi.  

Annually, the Singing Churchmen lead worship services in the spring and fall. This week featured stops at Longview Point Church, Hernando, North Greenwood Church, Greenwood, and First Church, Amory.  

“I hope you have already come to the realization that this is not a concert,” shared Steve Hamrick who serves as President of the Singing Churchmen. 

“It is music but this is a worship experience,” Hamrick continued. “We hope the name of Jesus Christ our savior will be raised and glorified. The music is what God has given us to return praise to him.”

Over 45 worship leaders from around Mississippi led in worship through singing, handbells, and a full orchestra.  

Kris Smith, first year Mississippi Baptist Convention Board (MBCB) Worship Ministries director, was honored to direct the Singing Churchmen for the first time.  

The Mississippi Singing Churchmen is a men’s choir comprised of ministers of music from Baptist churches in Mississippi. The Churchmen began in 1965 under the leadership of the late Dan Hall, former director of MBCB Worship Ministries (1964-1986).

Committed to “Sharing the Song of Jesus” wherever they have opportunity, the Mississippi Singing Churchmen have performed throughout Mississippi and on mission trips around the United States and the world.

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