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Mobile sports betting bill passes state House of Representatives, heads to Senate

By Kenny Digby
Christian Action Commission

The Mississippi House of Representatives has passed House Bill 1302 (HB 1302). This bill will make sports gambling more available to the general populous, including younger people. Any smart phone, from any location, becomes a casino for sports betting — including our churches, schools, and homes. 

Any type of gambling violates the tenth commandment — “thou shalt not covet.” Any type of gambling violates the golden rule — “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The only way anyone wins at gambling is for someone else to lose. 

Addiction to gambling is a life-controlling issue that does much damage to marriages, families, and even the economy. We will probably never eliminate all gambling from Mississippi, but we work toward less gambling, not more. 

HB 1302 will probably move down the hall to the Senate next week. We need Mississippi Baptists to contact their representatives and senators concerning HB 1302. You can view the bill here.

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