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Amendment Process for the Mississippi Baptist Convention’s Bylaws

 XVI. Amendments 

These Bylaws may be suspended or amended in any annual meeting of the Convention by vote of three-fourths of the members present and voting provided notice in writing shall have been given on the preceding day. 

VII. Committee on Committees 

Section 1. The Committee on Committees shall nominate before the last day of the Convention the following standing committees: the Committee on Order of Business, The Baptist Record Advisory Committee, and the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws, and the Committee on Nominations, the Committee on Resolutions, and the Committee on Time, Place, and Preacher

Section 2. The Committee on Order of Business, The Baptist Record Advisory Committee, and the committee Committee on Constitution and Bylaws shall consist of six members shall serve serving for a three-year term, being ineligible for reelection until at least one year shall have elapsed. Two shall be rotated off each year and two elected. These committees shall elect their own chairman annually. 

Section 3. The Committee on Nominations, the Committee on Resolutions, and the Committee on Time, Place, and Preacher shall consist of have five members. Their terms of service shall begin at the adjournment of the annual Convention in which they are elected, and they shall serve through the next annual meeting of the Convention. 

Section 4. The Committee on Committees shall also nominate at the first session of the Convention a Committee on Resolutions and a Committee on Time, Place, and Preacher. The Committee on Committees shall also nominate other committees as the Convention may direct. 

XII. Committee on Resolutions 

Section 1. The Committee on Committees shall name at each annual meeting of the Convention a Committee on Resolutions of seven members to which committee all resolutions not connected with the reports of boards and commissions shall be referred after such resolutions have been presented without discussion to the Convention. 

Section 2. The Committee on Resolutions shall report on all resolutions referred to it either with or without recommendations or amendments. 

Section 3. All resolutions must be presented in writing to the Convention before adjournment of the third regular session of the annual Convention. 

Section 1. The Committee on Resolutions shall annually issue a Call for Resolutions prior to the Convention utilizing the Baptist Record and/or additional Convention media outlets. 

Section 2. The Committee on Resolutions shall receive written resolutions beginning thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the Convention and no later than ten (10) days prior to the first day of the Convention. All submissions will be dated WHEN RECEIVED by the Committee. 

Section 3. Only members in good standing of churches entitled to send messengers to the annual meeting of the Mississippi Baptist Convention may submit resolutions. 

Section 4. The Committee on Resolutions is vested with the authority to combine, title or retitle, and reword submitted resolutions, and to submit resolutions entirely of its own making. 

Section 5. The Committee on Resolutions’ report shall be published in the First Day Bulletin of the Convention. 

XIII. Committee on Time, Place, and Preacher 

The Committee on Committees shall name in each annual meeting a Committee on Time, Place, and Preacher which committee shall recommend to the Convention the time of the next annual meeting, the place of meeting, and the preacher of the annual sermon; an alternate preacher shall also be named. 

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