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Baptists respond to Maui fires

The people of Maui, Hawaii, experienced devastating fires this past week. 

John and Gay Williams are the Hawaii Pacific Baptist Disaster Relief co-directors, and have represented Hawaii Pacific Baptists on Maui since early Friday morning. 

Here is the information they have shared with state disaster relief directors:

#1 – Maui Baptist Churches are distributing supplies from their locations. Besides distributing essential items and care from the church buildings, they have arranged flatbed trucks and have been able to take supplies to the Lahaina side and distribute them. Pray for these pastors and church leaders as they minister in these times.

#2 – John and Gay Williams have met with pastors in Central Maui. They are exploring housing for Disaster Relief volunteers. With limited facilities available, support services equipment (showers, restrooms, etc.) will need to be brought in from other islands/mainland. Would you pray for this effort?

#3 – Maui County officials have requested that Hawaii Pacific Baptist Disaster Relief support the effort to house first responders and essential workers. Hawaii/Pacific Baptist Disaster Relief is moving to meet this need. Would you pray for this effort?

MS Baptist Disaster Relief is sending a financial donation to assist our brothers and sisters of Hawaii/Pacific Baptist Disaster Relief in their relief efforts. Individuals and churches may support the Hawaii Response by making a designated gift to Disaster Relief- Hawaii at or by sending a check to MBCB, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205. Please insure that the check is designated “Disaster Relief – Hawaii”.

As they are still in the search and rescue/recovery stage, we are prayerfully and actively waiting to see how best to provide assistance. MS Baptist Disaster Relief is prepared to send volunteers when that door opens. For more information, contact MS Baptist Disaster Relief director Hubert Yates at or (601) 292-3335.

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