The Importance of God’s Name • Exodus 3:1-6, 9-15
By Bobby McKay
One of the most celebrated events in our culture is the news of a pregnancy. When a young couple discovers a baby is on the way, an overabundance of emotions and thoughts rush through their minds. Everything from joy to fear will abound as the plans for the new addition occur. I recently received a call from an ecstatic friend with news of her first-born baby to arrive next summer. After a while, the conversation turned to prospective name choices. Family names, personal preferences, and uniqueness were all discussed. A name can tell you a lot about someone.
When it comes to God, we are exceedingly blessed that He has chosen to reveal Himself to the world. Without Him choosing to do so, we would be hopeless and helpless in every situation. The names of God throughout the Scripture are more than just monikers, they reflect the nature and attributes of our Heavenly Father. When we respond to Him in the varied situations of life, we are not only recalling who He is, but we are also acknowledging what He is.
God is a holy God we are to approach with reverential fear. (1-6)
It makes little difference the style of the music or the demographic of the people in your church if we neglect the object of our worship — Holy God. It is no casual thing to encounter God. Whenever our humanity encounters the holiness of God, we will not be the same. Moses quickly realized what he thought would be like any other day would quickly turn into an intersection with the Almighty. The fear and reverence Moses displayed should remind each of us of the majesty and power of God. Pay attention each day and be prepared for Divine appointments.
We can trust God will do what He says He will do. (9-12)
Every one of us has unintentionally disappointed others. We have also been on the receiving end of being let down. When God conveys a promise, we should have complete trust and confidence it will come to pass. Unlike you and I, God is incapable of lying or forgetting His words. Of all the many promises these few verses contain, I am thankful for the theme of His presence. God takes pleasure in comforting believers and His children abiding in Him. Everything in your world may crumble around you, but the promises and words of God are steady and secure.
God’s name reflects His sovereign character that draws us into a trusting relationship with Him. (13-15)
Imagine having a relationship with someone who always tells the truth, wants what is best for you, protects, loves, and will never leave you. If you are a Christian, look no further! We have all those blessings and more in God. As believers, when we choose to sin or stray from God and His word, there is a reason we sense a holy pull to return to Him. We return because He has proven an infinite number of times He is able and worthy to meet each of our needs, forgive our sins, and cleanse us of the guilt we may endure. The education of Moses was about to begin. In the impending plagues, wilderness, and frustrations, Moses learned more about who God is than he could have ever known otherwise. Choose to love and trust God because of who He is and His unblemished record of faithfulness and holiness.
McKay is pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church, Morton.