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Bible Studies for Life: February 4

Expectant Faith • Luke 8:41-42, 49-56

By Bobby McKay


Next Sunday morning before you attend the worship services at the church of your choice, ask yourself this question: “Am I predicting or expecting?” Far too many times believers arrive on Sunday morning with predetermined expectations already established. It is usually a safe assumption that a few songs will be sung, a sermon will be delivered, and even some baptisms or new members choosing to join the church will complete the time together with your church family. That would be considered a good day, and we would leave the building thankful and happy. However, how memorable would it be? 

Many times, our encounters with Jesus are unpredictable and even unexpected. What would happen if the Lord chose to do something outside the confines of our day planner or comfortable structure? Do we expect, anticipate, and crave intimacy with Christ or are we more pleased with the mundane? A faith that pleases God may be labeled unconventional, but it is also rewarding.

We can approach Jesus with all our needs. (41-42)

Recently, I considered all the different people and their professions I needed assistance from. Among the many were a Nurse Practitioner, a mechanic, home repair services, an airline, and a fellow pastor. I assure you, that is a very abbreviated list. When you can help someone, you should. When it comes to our greatest and most important needs, no one is qualified like Jesus to help us! In this passage, Jairus is heartbroken over the needs of his dying daughter. By faith, he knew if Jesus could hear his request, there was still reason to have hope. If he had to push his way through the crowd or appear impatient, he did not care. 

We can trust Jesus when things go awry. (49-53)

Verses 43-48 show us where this story comes to a screeching halt. Another woman with a different need enters the picture and requires help from Jesus. How discouraging or even frustrating this could have been for Jairus. However, faith teaches us to wait on God’s timing. Faith is patient and trusts even when things are not operating smoothly in our lives. Faith understands that when things do not go as predicted, God is still at work. Your circumstances or situations may appear insurmountable, but nothing is impossible with God. I have always found it incredible when the crowd laughs at Jesus. It should also be noted that the clueless crowd did not receive the amazing miracle Jairus did that day. They had written off the young girl as dead. They placed a period where Jesus put a comma. 

We can trust Jesus to provide what we need. (54-56)

With two words, (Child, arise!) God returned life to the little girl and her parents were overwhelmed with astonishment. If Jairus had not been willing to pursue Jesus, fight the crowd, and tune out the laughs of the critics, he and his wife would have never seen the miracle. Instead of a funeral, they enjoyed the fellowship of Christ and their daughter. They chose not to let the predictable outcome get in the way of expecting a supernatural miracle for the Lord. Jesus can always be trusted to meet our needs even if it is on His schedule and using His methods. Do not settle for a prediction of what you think may happen, anchor your life in Jesus and expect amazing things to occur.

McKay is pastor of New Liberty Baptist Church, Morton.

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