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Bible Studies for Life: January 26

The Inspiration for WorshipPsalm 25:4-15

By Sydney Charlton


Those of us raised in the Deep South were taught from a young age to say “Thank You” for practically everything. Whether it was for Mama’s help finding our lost sneakers before school, Dad helping with spelling homework, or our grandparents giving us the latest coveted gadget, a respectful “Thank You” was expected. The kindness of others causes us to be thankful and by comparison, we should be even more motivated to thank and worship God when we consider the riches of His love, goodness, and grace toward us. 

God’s goodness and love compel us to worship Him. Rightly understanding that God alone is worthy of our worship, as we discussed two weeks ago, and knowing that the God of the universe delights in us prods us to live a life of gratitude.

The One Who placed the stars in the sky also chose your eye color. He who determined the shoreline also determined your talents and abilities. Almighty God who set the planets in motion has also set forth the course of your life.

Every detail of your life shows His great love for mankind and inspires us to worship Him authentically. Our lives ought to be lived in a manner worthy of the worship He so deserves!

Psalm 25:4-7 

God is a very patient and compassionate Father. Just as a dad guides a toddler learning to walk, God lovingly guides us in our faith journey. Apart from His presence, we wouldn’t know where to step. Our wobbly legs would cause us to fall, ultimately determining for ourselves that crawling is reasonable.

Instead of allowing us to always limp along, God holds us up. He knows how to best lead us because He is the One Who set the course of our lives. During our journey, God teaches us His truth and continually assures us of our salvation. This is much needed for those who belong to Him, but who have stumbled along the way. The Deceiver would like nothing more than for us to believe that God’s steadfast love and goodness toward us has been depleted. But God draws us back to Himself, forgives us when we repent, and reminds us who we are in Him: beloved children of the Most High. What good news! God’s compassion, faithfulness, and love toward us never run out. This is certainly reason to worship Him!

Psalm 25:8:11 

Many who are far from God wrongfully assume that upon coming to Christ they will be accountable for living a perfect life. Embracing Christ as Lord and Savior does not make anyone perfect, but it does cause us to passionately worship the One Who is! 

The beauty of the Gospel is that God chose to send Christ to die for the sins of mankind, knowing that we are a sinful people and that we would need His grace and mercy over and over. We were once dead in our sin, but because of His mercy and love, God made us alive in Christ (Ephesians 2:1-10, ESV)! God shows us how to live as children of the Light by lovingly leading us, even during our moments of waywardness. 

He is a faithful Father and He never gives up on His children. What a reason to worship Him!

Psalm 25:12-15 

By the world’s standards, a good dad is there for his children for their greatest achievements, but also during the many mundane moments of life. The mundane provides opportunities for a child to learn of their dad’s specific skillset and to hear stories from his childhood. The mundane strengthens their relationship and allows both father and child to learn what the other delights in and what things cause distress.

God the Father guides His children in a way that even the best earthly father cannot. God leads us and counsels us perfectly! His gentle leading directs us on the paths that will glorify Him and prod us to commune with Him often. 

When we learn that God delights in us and we genuinely believe it to be true, we will long to live a life that pleases Him. Just as a small child strives to make their earthly dad proud, Christ’s followers aim to lead lives that point to God’s goodness. We worship Him because He has lovingly called us His own and keeps us from falling.

We are moved to worship God because He is the only One worthy! May our lives be the best “Thank You” we can offer Him!

Charlton is the OneHope Missions Assistant at Crossgates Baptist Church, Brandon.

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