The Purpose of Humanity • Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31
By Don Schuman
Last week’s study observed the nature of God. Today’s study is about the nature created by God. He created all the natural life and order around us and a natural desire in us to worship and fellowship with Him.
God Created It All (1:1-5). God created the heavens and the earth. Faith in God begins at the beginning. Hebrews 11:1-3 teaches us that faith in Christ not only reveals reality and that which is not seen, but also gives believers the understanding that the universe was created by the word of God.
He who is not visible made all that is visible. Although we cannot see God in His glory and continue to live after that, we can see His glory as the heavens and the earth declare it (Ps. 19:1). Furthermore, the heavens declare the righteousness of God (Ps. 97:6).
Skeptics deny the creation account. They may say they are objective about how the universe came into being, but their objectivity denies a Creator. The second law of thermodynamics says that all matter is in a state of decay. This law not only proves the universe must have had a beginning, but that it is also regressing rather than evolving.
God created light. God created light so that His creation would be visible. One of the unexplainable frustrations for many evolutionists is the development of the eye. Eyes are complex and the idea that all those intricate parts evolved without a purpose until suddenly they all worked together to create sight requires far more faith than our belief that God designed eyes to see by light.
God created time. Time, as we know it, began with creation. God lived in eternity past in complete fellowship with Himself (John 17:5, Micah 5:2). He divided time into days, seasons, and years (Gen. 1:14), and created the other diverse forms of life (1:18-25) for our benefit.
God Created Us All (1:26-27). God created us in His image. The greatest creation for this earth is mankind, who was created in His image and after His likeness. He created a mature male human named Adam from the dust of the earth (Gen. 2:7) and a mature female human from Adam’s rib (2:21-22). We have capacities beyond those of other creatures of the earth, such as the ability to comprehend abstract ideas and write in languages.
God created us for dominion over the earth. The astonishing varieties of plant and animal life display the creativity and creation ability of God to provide enjoyable food for mankind.
God Created It All Good (1:28-31). God created a good order. God created and blessed mankind as male and female with the purpose of multiplying and subduing the earth.
God created a good supply. God supplied an abundant variety of food from the earth. Likewise, every creature that walked, crawled, flew, or swam was for the pleasure of mankind. God created the perfect habitat for mankind by supplying more than sufficient sunlight, plants, animals, water, and intelligence.
Every day, mankind can look around at the abundance that God provided and praise God. Every night, mankind can look up at the countless stars and heavenly bodies and praise God. Mankind can fellowship with and praise God.
The ultimate purpose of humanity is to enjoy fellowship with God, and He with us. Subsequent lessons in this series show how sin turned a blessed creation teeming with abundant life and joy into a cursed creation of death and sorrow. Jesus came to restore that purpose of humanity so believers might live and again enjoy fellowship with God and He with us.
He, who created all things and by whom all things exist (Col. 1:17), came so that we might have life more abundantly. He certainly knows what life is to the fullest! He is the Light of the world, the Bread of life, the Water of life, and the only spotless Sacrifice for the sins of the world. Just as light, food, and water are essentials to this earthly life, Jesus is essential to everlasting life.
Ultimately, the return of Jesus will mark a new beginning with a new heaven and a new earth created to display God’s glory and righteousness. Old things will pass away and all things will become new. Knowing how well God created it all in the first creation excites me to think how far better will be His everlasting creation.
Schuman is pastor of Temple Church, Myrtle.