with Jordan Curry

When I arrived at Delta State University in Cleveland in the fall of 2017, I was a wide-eyed freshman with no friends and no real idea of what it meant to follow Jesus with my life. I did not really expect anything much out of the Baptist Student Union (BSU) other than free food and opportunities to find friends. I definitely did not expect that over the next three years God would use BSU to stretch me from a timid soft-spoken kid to an out-spoken and social young man of God who desires to preach, teach, and shepherd other young souls.
Because of the faithfulness of my two BSU directors, Andrew Kappenman and Joshua Warren, to challenge me to live out the implications of the faith I profess, I can say confidently that I am a worker who has no need to be ashamed (2 Tim. 2:15). I would not be the person I am today if it were not for BSU.
I believe that BSU is vitally important to the college Christian, primarily because of two things: the people you meet and the places you go. During my three years at Delta State, I have met some incredible people who continue to inspire and encourage me to live my life fully for the glory of the Lord. Likewise, through BSU I have had the opportunity to go to some pretty awesome places to spread the fame of the name of Jesus among people who I never would have had the opportunity to encounter otherwise.
I have come to learn that BSU is not a building or a place, but a people united around a common love for the Savior and for each other, and there is always room for one more!

“I have come to learn that BSU is not a building or a place, but a people united around a common love for the Savior and for each other, and there is always room for one more!”
State BSU President Jordan Curry is a senior at Delta State University, studying business. He attends First Church, Cleveland and has served through BSU as a summer missionary in Vancouver and as a member of the State Missions Team. Jordan will be serving his campus this year as Delta State’s BSU President. For more information on BSU programs on Mississippi college and university campuses, visit mississippibsu.org/.