FIRST PERSON: Why go?State Baptist Student Union Missions Team Member Moniy Spires (at right) will be serving this summer with Eagles’ Wings Youth Ranch in New Mexico. FIRST PERSON: Why go? June 1, 2022 By Moniy SpiresCorrespondent Why go? Well, for me it has a lot to do with how I grew up. I did not grow up in…
FIRST PERSON: Pray now for BSU summer missionsStudent summer missionaries are commissioned during a service April 19 at the Mississippi State BSU. (Photo credit: Mississippi State BSU) FIRST PERSON: Pray now for BSU summer missions May 21, 2022
FIRST PERSON: Summer Missions 2022: Returning to the HarvestSUMMER MISSIONARIES — Mississippi Baptist Student Union missionaries for summer 2022 gathered March 25-26 at Garaywa Camp and Conference Center in Clinton for their Summer Missions Retreat. A total of 104 summer missionaries have been commissioned for service in 14 states, one U.S. territory, and 17 countries across five continents. FIRST PERSON: Summer Missions 2022: Returning to the Harvest April 11, 2022
CONCEPTS: This life and death matter calls for Day of Fasting and Prayer CONCEPTS: This life and death matter calls for Day of Fasting and Prayer November 10, 2021