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FULL-TIME ASSOC. PASTOR:  FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, HARRISON, ARKANSAS is seeking full-time associate pastor for Student and Recreational Ministries. A college degree is a minimum educational requirement. Send resumes and questions to Rob Davis at  Check out additional job details at

NORRIS BOOKBINDING COMPANY, INC.  Old Bibles rebound.  Also, church bulletins and hymnals.  For more information call 662-453-7424 or visit 

ABSOLUTELY THE LOWEST PRICES ON THE BEACH.  Beachfront & Beachside vacation condos:   Orange Beach, AL.  Rent direct from Christian Family Owners, efficiency 1 BR, 2 BR, 3 BR,   251-752-2366.

CHURCH PEW UPHOLSTERY, FREE ESTIMATES:  Davis Upholstery, Quitman, Miss., phone 601-776-6617.

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