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FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF HATFIELD, ARKANSAS is prayerfully seeking a Pastor who God is leading to shepherd and care for the local body of believers. FBCH wants a man of godly character being called to a good work as overseer of the church. FBCH also desires a Pastor who preaches the “the whole counsel of God” and believes the Word of God is inspired, inerrant, and infallible. A parsonage is provided. FBCH is looking for a full time Pastor but will consider a bi-vocational pastor if the Lord leads. For more information about the church, please visit or @hatfieldfirst on Facebook.  Please send a professional resume and include a link to three recent sermons to: FBC Hatfield, P.O. Box 108, Hatfield, AR 71945 or email to:

NORRIS BOOKBINDING COMPANY, INC.  Old Bibles rebound.  Also, church bulletins and hymnals.  For more information call 662-453-7424 or visit  

ABSOLUTELY THE LOWEST PRICES ON THE BEACH.  Beachfront & Beachside vacation condos:   Orange Beach, AL.  Rent direct from Christian Family Owners, efficiency 1 BR, 2 BR, 3 BR,   251-752-2366.

CHURCH PEW UPHOLSTERY, FREE ESTIMATES:  Davis Upholstery, Quitman, Miss., phone 601-776-6617.

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