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By Kenny Digby
Executive Director-Treasurer

Christian Action Commission


As I ponder how to fill out my ballot today, I wonder which candidates will be more pro-life than their opponents. Which ones will attend the annual March for Life on the Mall in Washington, D.C.? Which ones will favor the appointment of judges who will defend the unborn, the defenseless, the babies in the womb?

I wonder which candidates will protect the integrity of the U.S. Supreme Court, instead of trying to pack the court with radical, liberal/progressive men and women who will destroy our religious liberty, personal freedoms, and right to bear arms? If liberals had been in control 250 years ago, we could not have won the Revolutionary War. The Red Coats would have known where every registered gun was — if they had not already confiscated them.

We have been told by the radical left that we don’t need guns to protect ourselves, to just let law enforcement protect us. Now the same radical left wants to do away with law enforcement. They really want to do away with law and order. I wonder which candidates will be true blue to our police and law enforcement? I wonder which candidates will fully support law and order? I wonder which ones will let America burn while they enjoy life in their guarded bunkers?

I wonder which candidates will be a true friend to Israel, God’s chosen people of the Old Testament? It will take courageous leadership willing to come out of the bushes. What if territories like the Golan Heights were declared to be the sovereign territory of the Jews? Will the diplomatic sky fall, as the Chicken Little moderates from both do-nothing parties warn us? How the mainstream news media would enjoy reporting on all the above!

I wonder which candidates will initiate and follow through with prison reform? Equal justice under the law would be a great idea. I wonder which candidates would strengthen our borders and protect the sovereignty of our nation? The pandemic should have settled this issue. A nation with open borders cannot protect itself from terrorists, organized invasion, or disease. I’m amused and confused that liberal politicians, who advocate for open borders nationally, block their state borders like New York has done.

I wonder which candidates will protect our citizenship from amnesty for all illegal immigrants who broke our laws to come here, while many other immigrants wait for their turns and follow protocol? I wonder which candidates see amnesty as a way to swell voter rolls in their favor in an attempt to permanently take over states like Texas and eventually our whole nation?

I wonder which candidates will promote statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico so that four new, leftist senators can swing the U.S. Senate permanently to one party rule? I wonder which candidates will push to abolish the Electoral College so that the Northeast, Chicago, and Left Coast can force a liberal president on the heartland of America?

I wonder which candidates will treat our veterans with respect and take care of their medical needs? I wonder which ones will strengthen our military and maintain peace through strength? I wonder which ones will bring endless wars to a halt and welcome home our men and women who have served us so honorably.

I wonder… Do you? Go vote!

Digby may be contacted at

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