By Laura Lee Leathers
Pursuing Wisdom • Proverbs 8:6-21

My Dad was actively involved in the American Legion. His good friend, Earl Craig, worked closely with him as an officer. Dad valued his opinion and advice because he was known for being a wise man. In Dad’s estimation, one of the things which made Earl so knowledgeable was that he always thought things through before he spoke.
People usually view wisdom as a collection of great ideas or thoughts. However, as previously stated, Wisdom is found through a personal relationship with Jesus. He is Wisdom (1 Cor. 1:24, 30). In Proverbs 8-9, Solomon goes deeper into the attributes of Jesus and why pursuing Him should be our top priority (Matt. 6:33). Every day, we need to be reminded of how important it is to seek after the things of God.
Valuable (Prov. 8:6-11). Listen! Listen! Listen! Why? Because what Solomon is sharing is the truth of God, revealing sin and providing discernment. Wisdom gives us the ability to see the difference between righteousness and wickedness.
When you listen, you will learn that you are incredibly wealthy. If you are in Christ, He has given you access to His glorious riches (Col.1:27; Eph 3:16; Phil 4:19; Eph 1:18; Prov. 8:18). The world offers silver, gold, and rubies. However, through Christ you have instruction, knowledge, and wisdom. Nothing compares to what Christ can offer.
Powerful (Prov. 8:12-16). The “I’s” have it in verses 12-14! Wisdom is personally speaking and giving its qualities. The fear of the Lord means reverence, trust, and submission to God. Fearing the Lord helps us know the difference between wisdom and foolishness. Then we are told to hate evil, pride, arrogance, evil behavior, and perverse speech (v. 13). “Having the wisdom of God means loving what He loves and detesting what He detests” (Lifeway, pg. 59).
Verse 14 relates four truths: God’s Wisdom is excellent counsel. It is sound. It gives insight and offers power. All are available to God’s people. There is no greater power than the truth and knowledge found in God’s Word.
Next, it is as though Solomon takes a moment to reflect on his experiences. He was able to reign well because he applied God’s wisdom as he interacted with kings, rulers, princes, and nobles. “He excelled all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom” (1 Kings 10:23 ESV). Successful and powerful!
Obtainable (Prov. 8:17-21). How many people have said, “If only I knew the wise thing to say or do?” There is a tendency to base wisdom on having more education, high intellect, or prestige. No matter your status in life, Solomon reminds us that those who genuinely love and seek after Wisdom will find her (v. 17). Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart (NKJV).
A quote from the study guide: “To pursue the wisdom of God is to pursue God’s written Word” (Lifeway, p. 61). Paul told Timothy, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16, NIV).
God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek after him (Hebrews 11:6). There are rewards and benefits when it comes to pursuing God’s wisdom (vv. 18-21). They are honor, enduring wealth, righteousness, fine gold, choice silver, walking in the way of righteousness and the pathways of justice. Wisdom provide an inheritance to those who are godly.
“Think before you speak” is a sage to apply to our lives. However, the wisest thing to do is to have a relationship with Jesus. “…may He give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him…” (Eph 1:17).
Leathers is a member of First Church, Madison.