God Provides • 2 Kings 7:1-15
By Emily Beth Crews
When I perceived the Lord was calling me to move from Texas to Montana in 2019, there was an insurmountable number of needs. If the move was going to happen, God would have to show up as Provider.
I watched God’s provision that summer and within two months, I made the move with what fit in my compact car to a state I had never visited before. To this day, moving to Montana is one of God’s greatest displays of provision in my life.
Think back to a season when you experienced God’s provision in your life. Were you in awe by how God provided money for groceries, a new home, or friendships?
Imagine being told God was going to provide for you but you lacked the belief He would do it. In today’s lesson, we learn of an individual who saw God’s provision with his own eyes. However, he did not get to experience the provision because of his lack of belief in God (2 Kings 7:2, 17-20).
Doubts (2 Kings 7:1-2). Samaria (another name for the Northern Kingdom of Israel after the split) was at war with the Syrians, which meant their borders and walls were closed to prevent the enemy from entering. This also kept the people inside from obtaining food due to scarcity and cost (Lifeway).
The prophet Elisha prophesied the gates would be opened the next day, allowing the people to not only have access to food, but also get it cheaper.
An officer of the king overheard Elisha’s proclamation and responded, “Look, even if the Lord made it rain by opening holes in the sky, could this happen so soon?” (v. 2). This man doubted the powerof God, the creativity of God, and the messenger of God (Enduring Word). All in all, the officer illustrates the conduct of unbelief:
— Unbelief dares to question the truthfulness of God’s promise itself.
— Unbelief says, “This is a new thing and cannot be true.”
— Unbelief says, “This is a sudden thing and cannot be true.”
— Unbelief says, “There is no way to accomplish this thing.”
— Unbelief says, “There is only one way God can work.”
— Unbelief says, “Even if God does something, it won’t be enough.” (https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/2-kings-7/)
Desperate (2 Kings 7:3-8). There were four men sitting at the entrance of the city gate who had a skin disease, most likely leprosy. They considered their options in their starvation and decided to take a risk and visit the Syrian camp. “If they spare us, we’ll live; if they kill us — well, we are going to die anyway” (v.4).
They reached the camp only to discover it was empty. The Syrians abandoned their camp by the grace of God: “The Lord caused the Syrian camp to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a large army… they got up and fled… They left the camp as it was and ran for their lives” (vv.6-7). “Samaria was delivered and did not know it” (Henry).
Announced (2 Kings 7:9-11). The four men ate a meal and began looting the campground, but they stopped suddenly when they realized what they were doing was not right. They recognized the Syrians fleeing the camp did not just benefit them, but all of Samaria! They ran and proclaimed the news to the gatekeepers of Samaria, and the news was relayed to the king.
Skeptics (2 Kings 7:12-15). The king initially believed he was being tricked, but his advisors encouraged him to send messengers to see if the report was true. The men discovered the Syrian army was near Jordan. Samaria was saved, but not in their own strength.
God not only delivered them from war, but provided the people with food to survive. “The wants of Israel were supplied in a way that they little thought of, which should encourage us to depend upon the power and goodness of God in our greatest straits” (Henry).
Elisha’s word from the Lord came true. The people were provided with food and the ability to sell it at a surplus to provide other necessities for their families. God’s promises to us can always be relied upon. “God never promises the end without knowing where to provide the means” (Henry).
As you trace God’s faithfulness through His provision in your past, stop and consider: is there any unbelief within you that would cause you to distrust God’s ability to provide for you now and in the future? What are you facing today that causes you to distrust Him?
“Unbelief is a sin by which men greatly dishonour and displease God and deprive themselves of the favours he designed for them” (Matthew Henry).
Emily Beth Crews currently resides in Montana but was born and raised in Mississippi. She is the daughter of regular contributor, Laura Lee Leathers.