By Chele Westbrook

As I reflect on my final month at Mississippi College, summer missions through the Baptist Student Union (BSU) has played a massive role in my undergraduate life.
From serving in Romania the summer after my freshman year to getting the call in the Spring of 2020 that my summer was going to look a lot less like sand dunes and pyramids in North Africa and more like green pastures and forests in Oktibbeha County, summer missions completely altered the lens through which I see the world.
I no longer see summer missions as something that students sacrifice their summer to take part in out of obligation, but rather an awe-inspiring opportunity for students to engage in the lostness and darkness of the world. It is an experience where students find themselves humbled at the goodness and grace of the Lord as He redeems His lost image bearers from every tribe, tongue, and nation.
I never thought that COVID-19 would stall sending students on summer mission assignments from my sophomore year until the summer after my senior year. I have spent many days and nights anticipating the day that students get to experience the life transformation that I experienced through summer missions. I am so excited to see students return to the field as laborers in a plentiful harvest!
This summer is a full circle moment for me as I have transitioned from being sent to being a sender as a Missions Mobilizer on both my campus and on the State Missions Team as well as being a mentor for students engaging with European Peoples this summer. I praise God for the 104 students that have committed their lives to being transformed by the power of the Gospel this summer!
Of the 104 students being sent out from Mississippi universities and colleges, 58 of these students will be serving right here in the United States in 14 states and one territory. The remaining 46 students will be serving in 17 countries across five different continents.
I am truly ecstatic for each of these students as they embark on a journey that may completely alter the course of their lives as the summer of 2019 did to mine!
“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest’” (Matthew 9:37-38, NASB).
Praise the Lord for sending out 104 workers into His harvest! Please join me in praying for these students as they partake in being used to bring the Light of Christ to the darkest corners of the earth.
State BSU Missions Team Member Chele Westbrook is a senior at Baptist-affiliated Mississippi College in Clinton, majoring in language, writing, and linguistics. She attends First Church, Clinton. For more information about BSU on Mississippi campuses, visit
The Mississippi Baptist Student Union ministry is supported by gifts to the Mississippi Cooperative Program and the Margaret Lackey State Missions Offering.