By Moniy Spires

Why go? Well, for me it has a lot to do with how I grew up. I did not grow up in a church and I had very little knowledge of who Jesus is. My life was hard with bullying and feeling out of place in the world — most would say, without purpose! I felt like nobody was in my corner and that I was just doing this life thing for no reason.
It wasn’t until I found out what Jesus really did for me and how much He loved me that I finally knew that I actually do have someone who is always there for me! Even when I felt I was alone, God was there guiding my steps and shaping this life that has been surrendered to Him. He brought me out of the darkness and gave my life new meaning.

I have seen Him, time and time again, showing me that there is work to be done and that I too have the gracious opportunity to join in that work. So now, I just know the Lord has given me the ability to serve and I would love nothing more than to benefit the Kingdom by bringing the Gospel to those who live the same way that I did before having salvation through Jesus.
I know there are a lot of people who are going through a tough time and feeling neglected. I want to be able to share the treasures that I’ve found with them and bring light and hope into their lives.
His love compels me to go! Knowing that He is there always gives me reasons to not be afraid, and makes serving much greater!
State Baptist Student Union Missions Team Member Moniy Spires is a recent graduate of Delta State University in Cleveland, with a degree in exercise science. He will be serving this summer with Eagles’ Wings Youth Ranch in New Mexico. In the fall, he will begin study at New Orleans Seminary and serve as a campus missionary in the Delta.