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LETTER: What a start!


Daniel (not his real name) is a freshman who started coming to the Baptist Student Union (BSU) at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College on the Perkinston campus. We had been witnessing to him all of fall semester. He would come to fun activities on campus but would always avoid or change the subject when one of my Lead Team guys or myself brought up the Gospel.

Near the end of the fall semester, he attended a couple of Worship Nights and actually started to stay for the Scripture teaching during Free Lunch. A few nights ago, I was preaching from Acts 9:1-25 on the Apostle Paul’s conversion. Daniel came up to me afterward and asked if he could speak to me in private in my office.

Once there he opened up to me, sharing that while we were going through the Bible passage he felt connected to Paul’s story and what was being read in the Bible in a way he never had before. In that moment, he realized that Jesus and the Gospel were real and that he wanted to put his faith in Jesus.

Through further discussion, he expressed that he had actually started listening to the Scripture teachings and devotions because he had felt so much love from the people here at the BSU in a way that he had never experienced before. I explained to him that the reason for this was because of the transformative work of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit in our lives.

After I finished explaining what it meant to follow Jesus, Daniel surrendered his life to Jesus. Be in prayer for him and myself as I begin to disciple him now and show him how to grow in his newfound faith.

With this only being the first week of the semester, I am excited to see what else God is going to do this spring!


David MacLellan, Director
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

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