August 2

Have you ever heard these words before?
— Fulanke.
— Figig Berbers.
— Motilone-Bari.
— Bangingi.
— Sudra Das.
These are the names of people groups in Mali, Algeria, Venezuela, Malaysia, and India, respectively. As foreign as their names may sound to you, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is just as foreign to them.
These are just a few of the unreached people groups all over the world who have not yet been given the hope of salvation in Jesus. Are these people groups important to God? Of course. Should they be important to us as well? Absolutely.
What can move our hearts closer to God’s heart for the nations? Prayer can!
Because of the power of prayer, we have compiled a guide highlighting an unreached people group each week for a whole year. You will learn about unique and precious people and be guided in prayer for God to pour out His hope and help on them.
Will you align your heart with God’s in prayer by following this unique prayer guide? We call it Loving the Lost, and it’s free to download and share by going here:
There’s no better way to develop loving care and compassion for someone than by lifting them to the Lord in prayer. I’m hoping that as you pray, God will put one of these people groups in your heart and mind, so that you will continue to pray for them for many years.
This is a great resource to help teach your children or grandchildren about the world and nurture their compassion for others. Thanks for praying with us.
Lisa Farrell, director
Office of Prayer, International Mission Board
Editor’s Note: The author may be contacted at