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MBCB Executive Committee meets, appoints Herring new Director of Financial Services

By Megan Young
Associate Editor

The Executive Committee of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board (MBCB) met on Aug. 27 and unanimously approved Ashley Sullivan Herring as the new Director of Financial Services. She will replace Paul A. Pinson who was recently promoted to the role of Human Resources Officer. Herring will start her new position Sept. 23.


A certified public accountant, Herring has a Bachelor of Accountancy degree and a Master of Taxation degree from Mississippi State University. She brings over a decade of professional accounting experience to her new role, most recently serving as a senior tax manager at BMSS LLC in Ridgeland. 

Barri A. Shirley, MBCB Chief Operating Officer, expressed gratitude to Dr. Shawn Parker, MBCB Executive Director-Treasuer, and to the Executive Committee members for their approval and affirmation of Herring for this position. 

“The Lord has once again faithfully answered our prayers during the interview process,” said Shirley. “Ashley Herring is one of the most intelligent CPA’s I know, and Mississippi Baptists are blessed to have her serve in this capacity. We truly believe she is joining the MBCB staff in obedience to God’s calling on her life and it will be an honor to serve with her.” 

When asked why she wanted to transition into a ministry role at MBCB instead of continuing her current career path, Herring simply replied, “I’d rather make more disciples than make more money.”

Herring and her husband, Philip, are members of First Church, Madison, where she serves as a volunteer with children and high school girls. She also teaches Sunday School and volunteers in the ESL ministry.

2025 Proposed Cooperative Program Budget

Dr. Michael Barnett presented the Budget Committee’s recommendation for the 2025 Proposed Cooperative Program (CP) budget to the Executive Committee. The proposal, which can be viewed in full below, holds the budget total at $30,890,325, a 0% change from the current year. 

Although the overall 2025 Proposed CP Budget total will remain the same, allocations within it have been slightly altered. The most notable changes include:

  • An increase in the amount to be given to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) from 39.25% to 39.50%, reflecting confidence in the SBC under the leadership of newly elected SBC Executive Committee president Dr. Jeff Iorg and a desire to continue providing strong support for missions and ministries across North America and around the world.
  • A decrease in the amount to be given to Church Retirement and Protection from 1.68% to 1.38%, reflecting less church participation in that particular program.
  • A decrease in the amount to be given to Associational Missions from .46% to 0%, reflecting a change in funding from the CP budget to the Margaret Lackey State Offering.
  • A repositioning and expansion of Men’s Ministry assignments to respective ministry areas in an effort to better serve the local church.

The 2025 Proposed CP Budget was approved unanimously.

Executive Director-Treasurer’s Report

Dr. Shawn Parker, MBCB Executive Director-Treasurer, emphasized the value of the Cooperative Program and the importance of CP education in Mississippi churches. In conjunction with the upcoming 100th anniversary of CP in 2025, he introduced a new CP Training Kit designed and produced by MBCB. 

The kits include one-week and four-week training videos, leader guides, study guides, and other CP resources. They were given to the Executive Committee and 100 Member Board and will be made available, one per church, beginning October 29-30 during the Mississippi Baptist Convention. The remainder will be mailed to individual churches following the convention. The CP Training Kit is also available online by clicking here.

Other business

Dr. Allen Simpson was approved as the new Cooperative Program Promotion chair. He will replace Dr. Joe Wiggins in this role.

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