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MBCB Presidents, Hurt and Mitchell, look forward to another impactful year

By Lindsey Williams

Writing Specialist

Bill Hurt, President of the Mississippi Baptist Convention, and Tommy Mitchell, President of the Convention’s 100-Member Board, joined Tanner Cade, Director of Communication Services, and Jon Martin, Director of Men’s Ministries, on the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board’s (MBCB) “Around the Table” podcast. They discussed their roles, the upcoming year, and the impact of the state Convention.

At the 2023 meeting, Hurt was elected as President of the Convention, which typically convenes every October. Pastors and ministers vote on important matters and fellowship together. “I’ve always thought the President,” Hurt said, “is one who represents the Convention, and is an encourager. I kind of see myself as the pastor to the pastors. I’d like the role to be where I can talk with pastors and encourage them. When you have so many people walking away from the ministry these days, pastors need to be encouraged. So it’s a very humbling experience.”

When asked about his hopes for the 2024 Annual Meeting, Hurt replied, “Mississippi does a great job at the Convention of incorporating both business and worship. I think they do that as well or better than any state that I’ve been in… and we do it in a fairly consolidated timeframe, as well. I love the fact that worship is an element of our meeting, and I don’t think we need to lose that. A lot has already been planned for the next convention, because you have to get speakers, organize choirs and music, and all of that has to be done almost two years in advance. And my job is just to not mess it up,” he laughed.

Prior to his election as President this year, Mitchell served on the 100-Member Board as a representative of the George/Greene County Association. The Board comprises one representative from each county, making up 82 members, plus 18 at-large members. Four official Board meetings are scheduled leading up to the Convention’s Annual Meeting, with occasional called meetings to address immediate needs.

“Being in this position,” Mitchell commented, “or even just being on the Board is a real humbling thing, because if you participate and you listen, you realize what a tremendous organization this is. It’s not just a benign organization. It is a spiritual enterprise. There’s nothing like this in the world, because when you participate in all this, you realize that in the midst of all of our planning, everything is bathed in prayer. This is not something that any one person just goes out there on their own and decides ‘I’m doing this’. It really is something that is not mystical, but is truly wonderful in the Lord.”

The next level in the configuration is the Executive Committee, which makes urgent decisions, carries business down to the Board, and then to the Convention if necessary. Both Hurt and Mitchell serve on the Executive Committee by virtue of their positions.

“(We) reflect the vision of our Executive Director, Dr. Shawn Parker,” said Mitchell. “I’ve been so excited to see his vision and to try to help facilitate that. Our Board and all of our officers try to do everything we can to make sure when we hear from our leadership what it is they’re trying to do, and what they believe God has impacted their heart with, that we help facilitate and provide the means to do those ministries, everything from church planting to impacting Mississippi with the gospel. I’m very excited about that.”

To listen to the full “Around the Table” podcast, visit Podcasts – Mississippi Baptist Convention Board (

To stay informed about Mississippi Baptist events heading into the new year, visit Events Archive – Mississippi Baptist Convention Board (

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