Mississippi Baptist Disaster Relief (MBDR) continued operations in Lake, Scott County. Volunteer activity through the weekend included 70 volunteers (30 on April 15 from First Church, Lake), 269 volunteer hours, and 76 heavy equipment hours engaged in large diameter fallen tree and debris removal.
Currently MSBDR is reporting 40 work requests. Four have been declined, 14 have been completed by MSBDR volunteers, six are currently in progress, seven completed by others, and nine assessed and awaiting volunteers. MSBDR anticipated completing/closing all request by April 17.
The support of First Church Lake and Salem Church (Scott Association) has been great as well as Good Hope and Hazel churches.
On April 16 a MSBDR Team was working at the home of Travis Brooks, the father of Matt Brooks, an Alabama Baptist pastor at Lifepoint Church, Albertville, Ala.