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Reeves extends COVID-19 executive order


JACKSON, Miss. (Special) — Miss. Governor Tate Reeves announced Nov. 11 that he has extended his Safe Recovery executive order through December 11. It had been set to expire today.

The governor also reset his county-specific orders, using the applicable data. The counties that now qualify for additional measures including mask requirements are Benton, Carroll, Covington, DeSoto, Forrest, Harrison, Humphreys, Jackson, Lamar, Lauderdale, Leflore, Lee, Marshall, Rankin, and Yalobusha.

“I know that we are all tired and ready to move on, but the virus is still here,” said Reeves. “It’s still working to infect and kill. We’ve gotten far better at dealing with it, and allowing for life to go on, but we’re not all the way there yet. Keep fighting and protecting the most vulnerable in your life. No matter where you are, please do your best to social distance and wear a mask.

Reeves’ Safe Recovery executive order can be accessed at

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