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Southern Baptists funneling aid to Middle East war zone

NEAR TEL AVIV, Israel (BP and local reports) — Send Relief, the compassion ministry of Southern Baptists’ International Mission Board and North American Mission Board, is working with Baptist Village, a non-profit organization near Tel Aviv in Israel, to provide urgently needed refuge and resources for vulnerable and displaced people during the current war between the Jewish state and Palestinian Hamas terrorists.


Reliable estimates indicate more than 2,800 people on both sides of the conflict have been killed, including 27 Americans. As many as 150 hostages were captured during the October 7 incursion into Israel by the terrorists from neighboring Gaza, and officials believe that number likely includes U.S. citizens.

“We are in regular communication with Christians in Israel with whom Send Relief is partnering to help. As you can imagine, many are still reeling and dealing with the trauma of the surprise attack,” said Jason Cox, Send Relief’s vice president for international ministry.


Send Relief President Bryant Wright said, “The situation is volatile and, given the tension across the Middle East, is continuing to escalate hourly. Pray for wisdom and safety as our partners respond.

“Our hearts are with the Jewish people and all the citizens of Israel who endured this weekend’s devastating attack, and Send Relief is meeting the needs of survivors and displaced families,” said the longtime Georgia pastor and former two-term president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Send Relief and other Southern Baptist leaders have urged people to pray for peace. Monetary gifts to support the crisis response in the Holy Land can be given through

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