Speaker’s Tournament Open Division Results
(scholarships provided by the MBCB Sunday School and Discipleship Department)
FIRST PLACE: Hannah Watts – Calvary Church, Columbia, Marion
SECOND PLACE: Lottie Ann Stokes – Lighthouse Mission, Greenville, At-Large
THIRD PLACE: Summer Hughes – Cleary Church, Florence, Rankin
Hannah Watts Lottie Ann Stokes Summer Hughes
Speaker’s Tournament Baptist College Division Results
(scholarships provided by our Mississippi Baptist Colleges)
FIRST PLACE: Will McCarty – Highland Church, Meridian, Lauderdale
SECOND PLACE: Emily Stogner – Cato Church, Braxton, Rankin
THIRD PLACE: Madeline Walling – Cleary Church, Florence, Rankin
FOURTH PLACE: Elijah Mangum – Cleary Church, Florence, Rankin
Will McCarty Emily Stogner Madeline Walling Elijah Mangum
2020 Bible Drill Scholarship Tournament Winners
(scholarships provided by our Mississippi Baptist Colleges)
FIRST PLACE: Lauren Mullins – McLaurin Heights Church, Rankin
SECOND PLACE: Madeline Walling – Cleary Church, Rankin
THIRD PLACE: Shauna Gandenberger– Harmony Church- Crystal Springs, Copiah
FOURTH PLACE: Vida Jo Beasley – Grace Church, Rankin