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Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines for News Items

The Baptist Record is pleased to publish news and photographs of special events that take place in cooperating churches of the Mississippi Baptist Convention. News items and/or photographs depicting benefits and activities for secular or outside organizations will not be published.

Preferred method: news may be submitted electronically to the e-mail address below, and must be included in the message segment of an e-mail form. 

Secondary method: news may be typewritten or neatly printed on 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper and mailed. All articles must be received in writing; no articles will be accepted over the telephone. 

Due to ever-present virus threats, no text attachments will be accepted. Photograph attachments in JPEG format are permissible. Please make articles concise. Include the who, what, when, where details of the story, along with a contact person’s address and telephone number. Photographs must be submitted electronically via e-mail, as attachments in JPEG format. Hard copy photographs mailed through the postal service will not be accepted. Photographs must be clear, sharp, and well-lighted. Photographs must depict people. No landscape-, building-, or object-only photographs will be accepted. Photographs containing inappropriate gestures and objectionable clothing will not be accepted. There is no guarantee that news items and/or photographs will be used, and unsolicited material will not be acknowledged or returned. All news items are subject to editing, and all photographs are subject to cropping. These guidelines are not meant to be exhaustive.

Submit news to The Baptist Record, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205-0530

Submission Guidelines for Letters

Unsigned letters will not be printed. Multi-copy and form letters will not be printed.

Each correspondent must include a home address and home telephone number for verification. Cell phone numbers are not acceptable. In special instances, name may be withheld at writer’s request and editor’s discretion.

Please include the name of cooperating Mississippi Baptist church where correspondent is a member. (Mississippi Baptists’ letters will receive priority.)

Letters must be limited to 250 words. All correspondence is subject to editing. Correspondents must refrain from personal attacks, offensive characterizations, and political partisanship. The opinions expressed in letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect the views of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board.

There is no guarantee that an individual’s letter will be published. No more than one letter from an individual will be published during a six-month period.

When in the judgment of the editor a given issue has received sufficient attention, correspondence dealing with that issue will no longer be published and a notice will be printed to that effect.

Submit letters to The Baptist Record, P.O. Box 530, Jackson, MS 39205-0530