By Tanner Cade
Over 800 Mississippi high school students gathered July 10-14 at Mississippi College in Clinton for the 2023 Super Summer conference.
Since 1987, students have gathered to grow deeper in their faith and deeper in their passion to share Jesus in their daily lives. It is designed for student leaders who personally have a desire to grow spiritually.
Students come to Super Summer knowing that they will be challenged not only to grow, but to actively share their faith with others.

This year’s theme of “Barefoot” was based around Isaiah 52:7. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns’” (ESV).
Garrett Mills, associate pastor and minister to students and children at First Church, Terry, is new to the church staff and brought a first-time group of students.
“The theme ‘Barefoot’ was very well received,” he said. “I really believe it challenged our students to move past knowing about God to evangelism. This theme was one of the more challenging themes.”
Josh Kinsley, high school pastor at Broadmoor Church, Madison, said, “Even if the word “barefoot” wasn’t used, the truth of Isaiah’s words could be heard in every sermon, lesson, and small group.
“In my 10 years of Super Summer, I heard more about the importance of taking the Good News to our communities than ever before,” he added.
Super Summer is a leadership, evangelism, apologetics, and discipleship (LEAD) training conference sponsored by the Discipleship/Sunday School Department at the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board (MBCB).
The MBCB Discipleship/Sunday School Department assists and equips local churches in many areas including age-group ministries.

Students that have completed the eighth through 12th grades, met basic requirements, and are selected by their church for their leadership may attend. The goal of Super Summer is two-fold: to provide qualitative spiritual growth, and to help develop youth leadership in Mississippi Baptist churches and communities.
Super Summer is planned and coordinated by a 14-16 member team of student ministers who serve on the planning team for a three-year period, rotating on and off each year.
Andrew Irwin, minister to students at First Church, Laurel, was one of the 16 planning team members. He told The Baptist Record the large team is broken into smaller sub-teams to accomplish specific tasks like choosing the band and worship team.
Though planning conversations are consistently discussed, the team formally started meeting in September 2022 to plan for this summer.
“There are a lot of conversations that happen in our planning team meetings about how to make the event even better,” he said. “We want to glorify God and work together. This year’s team has been such a joy to be a part of.”
Ken Hall, MBCB student ministry consultant, told The Baptist Record that this year recorded noteworthy numbers of 897 total high school students and adult sponsors. Ninety-two Mississippi Baptist churches were represented along with 131 youth ministers serving as staff in the different schools.

In addition, 153 young adults served as team leaders to facilitate the schools and small group needs.
Jason Curry, founder of Finish Empty, led the main worship sessions and Journey Worship Company led the worship sets. The band is comprised of worship leaders, musicians, and songwriters who serve at The Journey Church in Lebanon, Tenn.
“The worship was a top notch experience this year. I believe the biblical songs that Journey sang are undervalued,” shared Mills. “This is my second experience with them, both times Gospel centered messages were always on the forefront.”
Elliot Garrett, minister of youth at First Church, Senatobia, expressed thoughts on speaker Jason Curry, founder of Finish Empty® ministry.
“Jason Curry is an outstanding preacher who is faithful in his exposition of the Bible, and his preaching was filled with conviction, challenges, and grace,” he said. “My students and I were incredibly encouraged by his faithfulness in preaching each night.”
Curry attended Mississippi College where he played baseball and graduated with a degree in communications. He currently serves on staff at The Church at Rock Creek in Little Rock, Ark.
Even after 30-plus years and in the midst of increasingly busy summer family schedules, Super Summer continues to be an important choice for student ministers in their yearly calendar planning.
Irwin shared his thoughts about choosing to be involved with Super Summer. “I choose Super Summer because I see the value in the event. When it is done right, Super Summer is one of the best things Mississippi Baptists do each year.
“The fact that it involves students from all over Mississippi helps in so many ways down the road. It makes our state unique and cooperative unlike any other state I know of.”
Kinsley shared similar sentiments. “Our Mississippi churches are better because of the Christian leaders this camp has and is producing. It’s not only benefitting student ministries, it’s having a widespread effect on our churches all because of the young leaders that are being trained in leadership, evangelism, apologetics, and discipleship.”
Cade is MBCB director of communication services. For more information about Super Summer, Hall can be contacted at or 601-292-3286. Super Summer is supported by gifts to the Mississippi Cooperative Program and registration fees.