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Warren recognized as Bivocational Pastor of the Year

JACKSON, Miss. (Special) — William F. “Billy” Warren Jr. (left), pastor of Jacob’s Well Church in Pass Christian, was recognized as the Mississippi Baptist Bivocational Pastor of the Year at the 135th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Oct. 26-27 at First Church, Jackson.

John Pace (right), director of leadership development at the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, said in presenting the award, “Dr. Warren is such a deserving recipient of this award and recognition for his amazing lifetime of faithful, excellent, and dedicated service as a bivocational pastor and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as an international missionary, and for his Kingdom service as a professor and scholar of the highest order for 31 years at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as seven years at seminaries on the mission field.”

Warren is a member of the Society for Biblical Literature; the Evangelical Theological Society; the International Greek New Testament Project; the Greek Paul Project; and the International SBC Working with Biblical Manuscripts Section.

He has been published in over 45 English or Spanish scholarly and ministry publications, and been invited to speak and present at over 75 academic and ministry events locally, nationally, and around the world, Pace said.

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